Dear GWCA Neighbor,
Join GWCA! Annual dues are reduced to $15.00 individual, $25.00 couple / family, $4.00 senior, $6.00 senior couple. email for application.
• GWCA boundaries are Montrose, Irving Park, Clark and Ashland.
• Block Reps are our neighborhood communicators. They spearhead neighborhood outreach and crime prevention. Please email, to become a Block Rep or find out more.
June 2nd through August, 6:30-8pm. Social. “Tuesday Evenings in Warner Park”.
July 14, 6:45 pm Meeting and Pot Luck at Warner Park. GWCA and Warner Park co-sponsor CNT (Center for Neighborhood Technology) “Rain Ready”, a homeowner and community program with focus on preventing rain and drought related issues. Please bring a homemade appetizer, salad, main dish or dessert. BYOB. Rain or shine, please join us for a fun and informative evening for all!
CNT has also developed a Rain related survey for GWCA neighbors and businesses. Please fill out the survey whether or not you attend the July 14th meeting. Here’s the link:
August 2, 33rd Annual GWCA GARDEN WALK noon – 5pm. Followed by Gardener’s Dinner. See and neighborhood kiosks for map. Contact to show your garden or help on the committee.
September 12, GWCAFest. Parade(s) at 11:30 am. GWCAFest noon-4pm. Warner Park & Gardens. Contact to help with the parade(s), event, or to donate to the Amazing Silent Auction. LVHS students help with this event.
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October 24, GWCA HALLOWEEN PARTY. Parade at 1:30. Event 2-4pm. Warner Park & Gardens. Contact Libby would like a shadow who can then chair the event in 2016. LVHS students help with this event.
November 21, GWCA 3rd ANNUAL INTERSECTION & Crosswalk LEAF CLEANUP, 9-11am. Start at Belle Plaine & Greenview. This project helps prevent flooding. Bring 10 leaf bags and a rake or shovel. Contact or to help or just show up. LVHS students help too.
December 3, GWCA MEETING, ELECTION & HOLIDAY POTLUCK, 6:30 – 8:30pm. Location TBD.
All Year. GWCA Walks. Enjoy the Lake View High School Track at sunrise or anytime Lake View isn’t using the track. At 6:45 am, you’ll probably meet a few neighbors unless it’s way too wet or slick.
2016 GWCA Meetings: See website for information.