Lake View High School Halloween Concert

October 24, 2023 @ 3:30 pm 4:30 pm

Lake View High School

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Lake View High School

4015 North Ashland Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60613 United States
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Lake View High School Local School Council Meeting

November 16, 2023 @ 6:00 pm 8:00 pm

LSC Meeting – Main Calendar – Lake View High School (

Lake View High School

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Lake View High School

4015 North Ashland Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60613 United States
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Lake View High School Local School Council Meeting

October 26, 2023 @ 6:00 pm 8:00 pm

LSC Meeting – Main Calendar – Lake View High School (

Lake View High School

View Organizer Website

Lake View High School

4015 North Ashland Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60613 United States
+ Google Map
Events & Announcements

Lake View High School Halloween Concert

Puja Ramaswamy, Choir Director and Music Dept Chair at Lake View High School has invited the community to their Halloween Concert with Band, Choir and Piano.

All are welcome at 3:30 PM on Tuesday October 24 in the LVHS Auditorium (entrance on Irving Park).

Events & Announcements

Earth Day Neighborhood Cleanup – This Saturday 4/22, 10:00 AM

Keep Graceland West Beautiful!

Join GWCA for an Earth Day Cleanup at Lake View High School on Saturday, April 22. We’ll meet at 10:00 am at the corner of Greenview and Belle Plaine and focus on cleaning up litter on the high school campus and surrounding streets. Gloves and trash bags will be provided. 

Last year we made a big impact at LVHS and the nearby streets.
Congressman Quigley stopped by to help our efforts.
Events & Announcements

Happy New Year! Graceland West 2022 in Review

2022 was a great year of re-emergence (of sorts) after a couple of years of flattening the COVID-19 curve and building immunity.

  • We kicked the year off after hibernating for the winter at our March meeting where we had a great time with Alderman Matt Martin and continued to build our relationship with Lake View High School, specifically their STEM program representatives and our very own Council member and teacher Joanne Yonan. 
  • On Earth Day we cleaned up the streets around the high school with our Congressman Mike Quigely.
  • Our Q2 meeting took place in beautiful Warner Park and focused on the efforts of the GWCA Eco Committee, led by Council member Joel McFarland who is an Openlands certified TreeKeeper.  We also heard from the Alderman’s office and CDOT about safe streets improvements.  More on this topic in 2023.
  • The annual yard sale was moved up to June.  Many thanks to Mark Nehring for his leadership.
  • The annual Garden Walk celebrated 40 years in 2022.  40 years!  Fearlessly led by Donna Forsberg for one last time as she called this year her last as the chairperson.  Mother Nature decided to keep us guessing throughout the day but allowed for plenty of time for all of our amazing neighborhood gardeners to share their efforts with guests.
  • The newly branded Graceland West Neighborhood Fest (formerly GWCAFest) was visited by Gale and Squall who dumped about 2 ft of flooding into the neighborhood, but that didn’t stop Sarah Maxwell, Barb Sullivan, Brad Pierce and their volunteers (including LVHS students) from toughing it out and waiting for the weather to clear for the neighborhood to emerge to enjoy Peg’s famous bake table, Randy’s age-less magic, Lisa B’s smooth vocals, Tacos, Tacos, Tacos (and Margaritas), and flame throwing (aka juggling)!
  • Our Q3 meeting finally brought us back into LVHS where we were introduced to the LVHS Robotics program (which is incredible)!
  • The Halloween party at Warner Park returned after a couple year hiatus and featured some amazing costumes, games and make your own candy apples.  Special thanks to Andrea and Colin McLeod and their volunteers for hosting the event.
  • And sure enough, Mother Nature wasn’t finished with us when she gave us rain and 50 mph winds the morning of our Street Leaf Cleanup and the Pumpkin Smash at LVHS.  Didn’t stop new Council member Paul Monzella from raking Cullom/Greenview until it was pristine. Throughout the week we totaled 182 bags, picked up by the Ward Superintendent the next week.
  • We finished off the year back at the Piggery, our gracious hosts for our March and December meetings, where we enjoyed pizza, pork and socializing.

The GWCA Council would like to recognize our Block Reps who helps to deliver flyers and spread important neighborhood news.  Thank You! 

Also, thanks to all who volunteered or attended any of the GWCA meetings and events and participated in the goal of the association to foster positive relationships between residents of the neighborhood, promote civic engagement and educate community members on issues of common interest such as crime prevention, neighborhood history and preservation, and community improvement.  It takes a village!

Events & Announcements GWCA Fest

Special Thank You to Graceland West Neighborhood Fest Sponsors and Volunteers

Thanks for a fantastic Graceland West Neighborhood Fest on September 11, 2022. We were delayed past our 3 pm start by a super cell that brought heavy rain and a squall that flooded several blocks of Greenview. Fest Committee and volunteers set up in a downpour and then held on to tent legs to keep them from going airborne. Randy started the Fest with the magic we all craved, Lisa B kept our hearts warm with song. Once weather lifted enough, neighbors began to fill the 4100 block of Greenview until it was packed with attendees from families with infants to a neighbor in his mid 90’s who walked through the rain to renew his membership. Neighbors kept baked goods coming and Peg’s Bake Table sold out. Kids sported painted faces, one dad held umbrellas in each hand to keep kids dry. Many volunteers went home and changed to dry clothes more than once. Mid-Fest, just when we were all hungry, Big Star Taco arrived with three kinds of tacos and a margarita, and then the juggler brought fire to warm us up.

Kudos to the Fest Committee, which included Barb Sullivan, Sarah Maxwell, Brad Pierce and more. They planned the perfect Fest and executed brilliantly, given the challenges mother nature sent their way. Thank you to the 25+ GWCA Members and Block Reps who helped with spreading the word about the event and a very special than you to LVHS students who braved the weather all day. 

Because we were unable to properly thank our sponsors during the event, they are recognized below.


homemade craft cocktail sponsor

wine & beer sponsor

Brad & Melanie Pierce

pony ride & petting zoo sponsor

Marlene Granacki

juggler sponsor

soda & water sponsor

Chris McGowan & Sandy Wang

game prize sponsor

Tim & Barbara Sullivan

face painting sponsor

tie dye sponsor

bounce house sponsor

Jennifer Brown

port-a-potty & sanitization station sponsor

Dr. Lee Francis & Dr. Michelle Gittler

Events & Announcements

Quarterly GWCA Meeting 3/31, 7:00 @ The Piggery

Join GWCA this Thursday, 3/31 at 7:00 at The Piggery (1625 W Irving Park Rd.) for an exciting agenda for our first quarterly meeting for 2022.

Special guests include:

The 2022 calendar of events will be detailed and we’ll also be awarding the first ever Golden Rake award for efforts during last year’s leaf cleanup and presenting scholarship funds to LVHS. The council is looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday. Don’t hesitate to reach out to if you have any questions.

See you at The Piggery – 1625 W Irving Park Rd. 3/31, 7:00 PM

Events & Announcements

LSC Community Representative for LVHS

Any active GWCA members that are interested in running for LVHS’s Local School Council (LSC) Community Representative position should submit their paperwork to the school by Friday, March 4, in person (nominee IDs must be checked).

The LSC is a great way to get involved in Chicago Public Schools and are an important vehicle for participatory democracy.

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All the documents required to run for the position can be found on the CPS website at — there are four forms that need to be submitted (1-22, 2-22, 3-22, and 4-22).

Events & Announcements

Letter from LVHS Principal to GWCA Please keep all pets off the turf field


We received a letter from Principal Karafiol regarding the persistent use of the LVHS campus by pet owners despite clearly posted rules that pets are not allowed on the property. The letter, embedded above, reads:

Dear Neighbors,

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We at Lake View High School value your partnership and support, and as part of that partnership, we’re happy to share our turf field with community members and groups when the field is not being used by Physical Education Classes, athletics teams, or other LVHS events.

Recently, it’s come to our attention that some community members are bringing dogs onto the field to play. As a dog owner myself, I understand that dogs need to run around and open spaces to run around in. However, our turf field is not open to pets, for several reasons:

  1. Dog claws can tear up the field surface, particularly if the dogs are running and playing.
  2. Animal waste (even if picked up immediately) contaminates the field surface, potentially exposing our
    young people to germs and disease.
  3. Animal waste that is not picked up attracts rodents and creates unsanitary conditions for students and
    athletes, as well as for other community members using the field.
    So that we can all enjoy this tremendous community resource for years to come, please keep all pets off the
    turf field, the playground area, and the other fenced-off spaces belonging to Lake View High School.

Paul J. Karafiol, Ed. D.

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