Graceland West’s cool, shaded streets are one of our neighborhood’s great amenities. Parkway trees clean the air, buffer noise, and help reduce flooding by soaking up water during rainstorms. Read on to find out how you can get involved in the GWCA Green Committee’s efforts to protect and expand our neighborhood’s tree canopy.
Tree Canopy Map
Blue: Open parkway spots for which GWCA has obtained homeowner permission to plant
Yellow: Open parkway spots for which GWCA has not yet been able to contact the homeowner
Red: Ash trees threatened by Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)
Green: Recently planted trees
While the City and some utilities promise to replace trees in empty parkway spaces, the wait can be long and the results can be underwhelming. GWCA works with the 47th Ward Office, Openlands, and others to facilitate tree plantings and encourage neighbors to look after newly planted trees. The map above shows open parkway spots in blue (we’ve received homeowner permission to plant) and yellow (we haven’t yet been able to contact the property owner). To report an open parkway spot or provide approval for planting in front of your home, please contact GWCA at
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Hot, dry summer weather can be tough on newly planted trees. You can help them survive by looking after trees near your home and ensuring that they are watered regularly. Young trees need 15-20 gallons of water (3-4 large buckets) each week between May and October. Water slowly so that the water penetrates the soil and does not run off.
Emerald Ash Borer
Ash trees are a huge part of our local tree canopy, but they are under constant threat from a deadly pest known as Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). The good news is that there are affordable, effective treatments to keep our ash trees healthy for years to come. To learn more, check out these resources put together by our friends at Heart of Lincoln Square Neighbors Association:>. If you have an ash tree on the parkway in front of your property, please fill out this form ( and Heart of Lincoln Square volunteers will forward your information to GWCA.
Additional Information:
Heart of Lincoln Square Save Your Ash, North River Commission Save Your Ash
47th Ward office on tree trimming, removal, planting, etc.
47th Ward Urban Forest Summary
Lake View Urban Forest Summary