Events & Announcements

Heavy Storms due Friday afternoon 3/27 and Saturday 3/28

Please park vehicles in ways to avoid potentially flooded streets and intersections.  Please also clean up sewer drains and street leaves as you are able.  With Covid-19, it is important to maintain social distancing of 6′ while liberating remaining street leaves.

Thank you everyone.  Wishing you and you family good health.

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The GWCA Council

Events & Announcements

Covid-19 and use of the LVHS Campus, Play Lot, Track, Field & Benches

All playgrounds in Chicago are closed.  This includes the Children’s Play Lot on the Lake View High School Campus.

The LVHS track, field and benches are open for neighbors to use as long as they practice social distancing of 6′ and don’t gather in groups.

Dogs have not been permitted inside the campus fence at any time since 1995.

This message is brought to you by Alderman Matt Martin, Lake View High School and the Graceland West Community Association



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Both GWCA and LVHS will put out reminders that people can walk on the track, sit on the benches and play on the field while not gathering in large groups and while practicing 6′ social distancing. We’ll also communicate that all Chicago playgrounds are closed, which includes the Play Lot at LVHS.


Dogs have not been permitted inside the LVHS campus fence since 1995. There is current signage prohibiting dogs, we have posted about this frequently and LVHS is adding even more signage on Friday but we are even encountering people from west of Ashland and South of Irving Park crossing those busy streets to bring their dogs to the campus. Nothing has worked, including talking to dog owners and reminding them that dogs are not permitted. Is it possible for you to work with 19th District Police to have dog owners ticketed?


Events & Announcements

Alderman Martin has posted a volunteer sign-up
Some GWCA residents and GWCA Block Reps have offered to help with food delivery to households that need it. Here isOne such product that is viagra 10mg going to talk about is kamagra jelly. It is also essential to let his partner feel sexually satisfied with his cheapest price for viagra performance as he can let her reach ecstatic orgasms. For improved penile performances and satisfactory results, one has to concern about right dosage, time to take action and change your lifestyle in order to get you to the store. order cheap viagra Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition mostly in men that is an inability to fight against erection problems are facilitated in forms buy levitra of medication at all. a sign-up form if you are interested. They are screening for healthy individuals with no travel history.

Events & Announcements

Dining at a Distance during Covid-19

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Events & Announcements

Graceland West graffiti on 3-5-20 between 8 and 9 pm

On March 5th between 8 and 9 pm neighborhood garages, especially in the middle of the neighborhood were hit with graffiti.

Here’s a description of the person involved: White male: Age 16-18. Build; Scrawny Hair: Mid length blonde hair, Top: Navy blue puffy jacket. This was a white high-school age kid who was wearing nice clothes. He was moving from East to West and when I confronted him he ran west across Ashland.

1) There’s a crew of them, I think. On more than one occasion, I’ve seen them hanging in the alley on Warner (north side, close to Greenview), clearing out a car of aerosol cans, possibly spray paint. I never got up close to look. Once, I came upon three of them crouched over a chair left in the same alley. Later, when I saw the chair again, it had been tagged, presumably by those kids.

2) The kids all matched Pete’s general description. The multiple sightings leads me to suspect at least one lives in the area.

3) Yes everyone please give the police all information you have. My report number is ID175538 – we should cross reference with one another’s reports to get the attention this needs! If anyone has video, please email to along with the report #.

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Please use the Chicago Works app and report all graffiti you see to 311 immediately. Our neighborhood last experienced a bout of graffiti in December from Clark to Ravenswood.

Graffiti from last night was removed early this morning, March 6th. Additionally Alderman Martin’s office or our Streets and Sanitation Supt will look through the neighborhood again late this afternoon to double check work.

BTW, our neighborhood crime is very low because of your care and attentiveness. Not locking house doors and windows and garage doors and windows and car doors is a neighborhood weakness. Let’s lock up and let’s have a bright porch light on from dusk to dawn all year.

Events & Announcements

Application deadline to run for Lake View HS LSC is 3/5/20 at 3 pm. Information follows

LVHS Local School Council | 2020-2022 Election Cycle

Dear Lake View Families and Community Members,
Local School Councils are important entities for public schools. LSCs tend to three important matters: (1) allocating funds to varied programs at the school; (2) develop and monitor the continuous development of the school’s programs, and; (3) hire and evaluate the principal. Local School Councils are comprised of 13 persons who are representative of the school community: 6 parents, 2 community members, 2 teachers, 1 staff member, 1 student, and the principal.
The 2-year terms of the current LSC expire on June 30, 2020. As such, we are commencing with the election process to select the LSC that will be in office from July 1, 2020-June 30, 2022.
Parent Members
• Parents or guardians of current freshmen, sophomores, or juniors are eligible to run.
• If your child is a senior next year, you can serve until your child graduates.
• Parents who are employees of the Board of Education after June 30, 2020 are not eligible to run.
• Current LSC members are eligible to run again.
Community Members.
Eligible candidates for the community representative must:
• Live within the Lake View High School community boundaries, as defined by the Board of Education;
• Be at least 18 years of age;
• Not be an employee of the Board of Education after June 30, 2020, and;
• Not be a parent or legal guardian of a child enrolled in the school.
• Current LSC members are eligible to run again.
• Needs to be a full-time employee of the Board of Education and assigned to a teaching position at Lake View High School.
• Current LSC members are eligible to run again.
Non-Teacher Representative
• Needs to be a full-time employee of the Board of Education and assigned to a non-teaching position at Lake View High School.
• Current LSC members are eligible to run again.
Student Representative
• Needs to be a student at Lake Veiw during the 2020-2021 academic year, so any current freshmen, sophomore, or junior is eligible to run.
To Become a Candidate
If you would like to serve Lake View as an LSC representative, please:
• Either, download and complete the application forms from the CPS website (click here; materials are found under the “2020 Traditional Local School Council Election Materials” portion of the page):
o Candidate Nomination Form (Form 1-20)
o LSC Criminal Conviction Disclosure Form (Form 2-20)
o LSC Telephone Number Disclosure Form (Form 3-20)
o LSC Candidate Statement Form (Form 4-20)
o If applicable Teacher or Non-Teacher Staff Candidate Information Form (Form 5-20)
o If applicable Student Candidate Information Form (Form 6-20)
• Or, stop by Lake View’s main office to pick up a hardcopy of the forms.
Election Timeline
• March 5th by 3:00pm: turn in all completed forms (only hardcopies of forms can be accepted; emailed, digital versions of forms cannot be accepted) and 2 reliable forms of identification (one of which must have a residential address). Forms received after that date/time will render the candidate ineligible.
• March 26th at 6:00pm: any candidate and any voter is welcome to attend the Lake View Candidate forum in the Library. Candidates are welcome to provide a 3-5 minute statement about their candidacy at the forum. Ballot positions will also be determined at the forum.*
• April 21st during lunch: students will vote for the student representative.
• April 23rd: parents and community members will vote for candidates for those positions; teaching and non-teaching staff will vote for candidates for those positions.
Please consider serving our community. Let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Erin Kitson
Director of Community and Student Affairs
Estimadas familias de Lake View y miembros de la comunidad:
Los Consejos Escolares locales son entidades importantes para las escuelas públicas. La LSC tienden a tres asuntos importantes: (1) asignar fondos a diversos programas en la escuela; (2) desarrollar y monitorear el desarrollo continuo de los programas de la escuela, y; (3) contratar y evaluar al director.
Los consejos escolares locales están compuestos por 13 personas que son representativas de la comunidad escolar: 6 padres, 2 miembros de la comunidad, 2 maestros, 1 miembro del personal, 1 estudiante y el director.
Los términos de 2 años del LSC actual expiran el 30 de junio de 2020. Como tal, estamos comenzando con el proceso de elección para seleccionar el LSC que estará en el cargo desde el 1 de julio de 2020 hasta el 30 de junio de 2022.
Miembros padres
• Los padres o tutores de los estudiantes actuales de primer año, segundo o tercer año son elegibles para postularse.
• Si su hijo es un senior el próximo año, puede participar hasta que se gradúe.
• Los padres que son empleados de la Junta de Educación después del 30 de junio de 2020 no son elegibles para postularse.
• Los miembros actuales de LSC son elegibles para postularse nuevamente.
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Miembros de la comunidad.
Los candidatos elegibles para el representante de la comunidad deben:
• Vivir dentro de los límites de la comunidad de Lake View High School, según lo define la Junta de Educación;
• Tener al menos 18 años de edad;
• No ser empleado de la Junta de Educación después del 30 de junio de 2020, y;
• No ser padre o tutor legal de un niño matriculado en la escuela.
• Los miembros actuales de LSC son elegibles para postularse nuevamente.
• Debe ser un empleado a tiempo completo de la Junta de Educación y asignado a un puesto de profesor en Lake View High School.
• Los miembros actuales de LSC son elegibles para postularse nuevamente.
Representante no docente
• Necesita ser un empleado a tiempo completo de la Junta de Educación y asignado a un puesto no docente en Lake View High School.
• Los miembros actuales de LSC son elegibles para postularse nuevamente.
Representante de los estudiantes
• Necesita ser un estudiante en Lake View durante el año académico 2020-2021, por lo que cualquier estudiante de primer año, estudiante de segundo año o junior es elegible para postularse.
Para convertirse en un candidato
Si desea servir a Lake View como representante de LSC, por favor:
• Descargue y complete los formularios de solicitud del sitio web de CPS (haga clic aquí; los materiales se encuentran en la sección “Materiales de elección del Consejo Escolar Local Tradicional 2020” de la página):
o Formulario de nominación de candidatos (Formulario 1-20)
o Formulario de divulgación de condena penal de LSC (Formulario 2-20)
o Formulario de divulgación del número de teléfono de LSC (Formulario 3-20)
o Formulario de declaración de candidato de LSC (Formulario 4-20)
o Si corresponde Formulario de información del candidato del personal docente o no docente (formulario 5-20)
o Si corresponde Formulario de información del alumno candidato (Formulario 6-20)
• O pase por la oficina principal de Lake View para recoger una copia impresa de los formularios.
Cronograma de elecciones
• 5 de marzo a las 3:00 pm: entregue todos los formularios completados (solo se pueden aceptar copias impresas de los formularios; no se pueden aceptar las versiones digitales de los formularios) y 2 formularios de identificación confiables (uno de los cuales debe tener una dirección residencial). Los formularios recibidos después de esa fecha / hora harán que el candidato no sea elegible.
• 26 de marzo a las 6:00 pm: cualquier candidato y cualquier votante pueden asistir al foro de candidatos de Lake View en la Biblioteca. Los candidatos pueden presentar una declaración de 3-5 minutos sobre su candidatura en el foro. Las posiciones en la boleta también se determinarán en el foro. *
• 21 de abril durante el almuerzo: los estudiantes votarán por el representante estudiantil.
• 23 de abril: los padres y los miembros de la comunidad votarán por los candidatos para esos puestos; El personal docente y no docente votará a los candidatos para esos puestos.
Por favor considere servir a nuestra comunidad. Hazme saber si tienes alguna pregunta.
Erin Kitson
Director de Asuntos Comunitarios y Estudiantiles

Lake View High School
4015 N. Ashland Avenue
Chicago, IL 60613

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Events & Announcements

GWCA – Save the date – 38th GWCA Garden Walk – Sunday Aug 2, 1-5 pm

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Events & Announcements

the Graceland West Community Association (GWCA) begins 41st year

January 26, 2020 1st Quarter Meeting minutes.
Council Member, Bruce Braun, chaired the meeting
Barbara Sullivan, GWCA Treasurer, presented the 2020 GWCA Budget, which was approved
GWCA Members Jason Ruprecht and Colin McCleod, who both worked on the August 2019 Neighborhood Infrastructure Survey, were elected to the two open GWCA Council seats.
A $1,000 GWCA Scholarship check was presented to Lake View High School and accepted on behalf of LVHS by LVHS faculty member and GWCA Council Member, Joanne Yonan.
711, 1415 West Irving, has been one of a number of businesses requesting package liquor licenses on Irving Park. They made a presentation requesting a package liquor license and attending GWCA members voted 62% in favor and 38% opposed. The vote includes lifting the 1995 Package Liquor License Moratorium, which is on both sides of Irving Park from Ashland to Clark, for a minimum of 12 months so 711 can apply for the license.
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GWCA live-streamed some of the meeting. We’ll try for better sound quality next time.
Thank you to all who took the time to participate in this Community Meeting.

Events & Announcements

GWCA Members it is important that you attend tomorrow at 5:30 pm and vote

GWCA’s 1st Quarter 2020 Community Meeting includes:
* LVHS Update by Principal Karafiol
* Vote whether or not to lift the Package Liquor License Moratorium on both sides of Irving Park between Ashland and Clark for a minimum of 12 months to allow permanent package liquor sales for at least one business. The moratorium was placed in 1995 and GWCA Block Rep leaders and 19th District Police have long considered the moratorium helpful for neighborhood safety. Numerous businesses have been interested in selling package liquor there.
* Vote on two Council seats.

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When: Sunday, January 26, 5:30 pm. Doors open at 5 pm. Please sign in before 5:30.
Where: Rizal Community Center, 1332 West Irving Park. Free parking in lot on east side of Rizal.

Events & Announcements

Irving Park Package Liquor Zoning Vote – January 26, 5:30 pm GWCA Meeting

GWCA’s 1st Quarter 2020 Community Meeting includes:
* LVHS Update by Principal Karafiol
* Vote whether or not to lift the Package Liquor License Moratorium on both sides of Irving Park between Ashland and Clark for a minimum of 12 months to allow permanent package liquor sales. The moratorium was placed in 1995 and GWCA Block Rep leaders and 19th District Police have long considered the moratorium helpful for neighborhood safety. Numerous businesses have been interested in selling package liquor there.
* Vote on two Council seats.

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When: Sunday, January 26, 5:30 pm. Doors open at 5 pm
Where: Rizal Community Center, 1332 West Irving Park. Free parking in lot on east side of Rizal.

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