As many of you know, there has been a considerable amountof discussion regarding potential improvements at Lakeview High School.
The current principal is leaving and 3 new potentialprincipals will be attending the meeting on Monday, June 6th at 6PM for a Meet & Greet.
Meeting discussions willbegin at 6:30PM in the Lakeview High School Social Room.
Steve Bines has generously invested many years ofservice to the Lakeview school council as our Graceland West representative andit is very important that our community aligns with Steve to engagethe Lakeview school leadership as committed neighborhoodfamilies seeking improvements at Monday’s meeting.
The school board is pushing to replace the exiting principalwith the current vice principal who will continue with status quo for thenext four years.
It is critical that our community show support forprogressive new leadership at our local high school through ourpresence at Monday’s meeting.
Please invite your neighbors and friends from schoolto attend this important meeting.
This could be a great opportunity to begin transitioning ourneighborhood high school to a top-tier Chicago high school.
Hope to see you Monday!