NOTE: Graceland West’s representative to this council is: Tim McGonegle ( or 773-327-2940)
April 12, 2012 Ward Council Meeting Notes From: Dara Salk in the 47th Ward Office
Hello Representatives & Alternates,
Once again we thank you for your commitment and continued efforts on behalf of your neighbors and our neighborhood. Here is a short summary of last night’s meeting for you to share.
1. We heard about the $750,000 capital campaign at the Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club. They have been stalwarts in the neighborhood since the 1960’s. They continue to positively influence the lives of the thousands of kids who come attend the programming provided there. They have raised $500,000; if you are looking for a worthy organization to support – this is one
2. Alderman Pawar described the Aldermanic Menu. Per the new menu policy of the City it must be spent down 100% every year. There has been and will continue to be a great deal of thought given to where and how this money is spent. For instance: if a street is scheduled for sewer work next year, curbs won’t be done this year. Saving money by coordinating the work being done in the ward is a priority. We welcome your input and will continue to ask for your Block Audits yearly.
3. Jim Poole gave us more specifics on the Aldermanic Menu – all of this specific information will be on our website. CAPS Meetings are held monthly. Please see the schedule on our website and ask if one of your neighbors would like to be your representatives at CAPS meetings. Jim also recommends that you register your group with CAPS for communication, programming and resources out of the CAPS office. CAPS helps fight crime in the area, set up neighborhood watch groups and educate us on how to stay safe.
4. Karen Kolb from our newly formed Senior Council updated us on the work that group is doing to make “aging in place” easier, healthier and more of a priority for all of us to be aware of. If there is a member of your group or perhaps your block coordinator could be aware of where the older adults are in the neighborhood and make an effort to include them in neighborhood activities and know if they would like to be on your email list or become a part of a phone tree if they aren’t on the internet.
5. CUB – Citizen’s Utility Board – is beginning an initiative in our ward – the first ward in the city! Saving money, saving energy can be as painless as signing up online for ideas, coupons and a simple way to actually track the money you are saving. Each neighborhood group has their own spot where you can sign up