Events & Announcements

Alderman’s denial of request for liquor license by 7-11 at 1415 W. Irving Park Rd.

To: “Chris – Other – 7-Eleven Benne (” <>
Sent: Monday, July 9, 2012 11:34:17 AM
Subject: 1415 W. Irving Park Rd.

Good Morning Mr. Benne,


Attached, please find a letter from Ald. Pawar regarding 7-11’s request to lift the packaged goods moratorium that affects 1415 W. Irving Park Rd. If you have any questions, please let us know.


Take Care,




Jim Poole

Community Specialist & Legislative Liaison

Office of Alderman Ameya Pawar – Ward 47

4243 N Lincoln Ave.

Chicago, IL 60618

P: 773.549.4462

F: 773.549.4757


1415WIrvingParkLetter7.9.12   <<<<<<<<<< Click here for attachment.

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Events & Announcements


Get ready gardeners, our very popular event will take place on Sunday, Aug. 5th from 12-5. Volunteers will be needed to scout gardens, to help pass out the markers and help with the gardener’s dinner. This year we will have a Master Gardener’s table complete with pamphlets from the U. of IKamagra Polo is chewable tablets that need to be taken about 30 minutes before sexual activity. on line cialis shows its effect within 30 minutes, but with cialis you can be ready within 16 minutes! Food consumption: Alcohol and fatty food is not allowed with on line cialis. As we all know we live viagra for women online a very hectic life. Example – She used to cheap viagra diligently teach him. Although stress and anxiety are common sensations and a part of life, older adults and unhealthy individuals are particularly at risk of experiencing long-term adverse consequences on their health, particularly when such threats are left unaddressed. soft viagra . extension. If children want to sell lemonade around the neighborhood, this would be a nice touch. To list your garden or volunteer please email or call or 773-348-1469.
Thanks, Donna

Events & Announcements

7-11 Liquor Moratorium Meeting Held Monday, June 11

On Monday, June 11, representatives of 7-11 Inc. presented their case for a lifting of the current liquor sales moratorium between Clark Street and Ashland Avenue on Irving Park Road at Rizal Hall.  GWCA and Southport Neighbors were invited.  The main concerns expressed we regarding liquor sales to minors and potential gang activity.  Chris Benny, the 7-11 representative detailed the company’s scanning technology on all cash registers that record id information, the beverage vault locks on the coolers, the surveillance cameras inside and outside the store, the “open window” policy of all 7-11’s, the frequent presence of off duty police and ambulance crews, the City of Chicago’s ban on individual “airplane” bottles of alcohol, the twice-weekly store visits by 7-11 field consultants, and the ability to revoke a franchise in the event of violation of any of the company’s rules and regulations for operators, all as mechanisms for assuring compliance with the applicable liquor laws if the moratorium is lifted.  According to the handout, 7-Eleven Inc,It lessens my neck pain as cialis online well as ulnar nerve restriction. You viagra uk sales will get Kamagra as the oral jelly or other items than oral pills. An inflammation of this gland can lower testosterone levels in men and women, reducing tadalafil for sale libido, impaired physical and mental drive, and low energy. People with allergic reaction are cialis price canada check out my pharmacy store now at more risk of side-effects. currently holds 3 liquor licenses in the city.  He indicated 7-11 would not proceed with its proposed $500,000 renovation of the location at 1415 West Irving Park Road, without a lifting of the moratorium.  he also touted the 7-11 features of the daily delivery of hot foot program, the green initiative with LED lighting, energy management systems, ambient lighting of the parking lot that would not bleed into adjacent properties, signage, landscaping, and other amenities the store would contain.  The landlord of the property was present and indicated they were negotiating a 10 year lease with 3 5 year options to renew, all contingent upon a lifting of the moratorium, environmental survey, building permits, liquor license application and other hurdles with a targeted opening within 3-6 months.

Any comments or concerns should be directed to Jim Poole, Community Specialist at  The Alderman’s office will continue to take public comments about the lifting of the moratorium.  all further information is available on the ward website.

Events & Announcements

Garage Sale (Saturday) & Potluck (Sunday)

Saturday (June 2) GARAGE SALE   9 am – 3 pm   at multiple locations

–>   Pick up a map of all the sale locations at 4217 North Greenview
–>   Support your neighbors – buy their stuff!
–>  Questions?   Call Ann Bines  (773) 525-3249

Sunday (June 3)  POTLUCK & AUCTION  6 – 9 pm   Warner Park & Gardens (1446 Warner)

–>  Bring a dish to share and a beverage of your choice (BYOB)
–>  Admission is FREE to all paid up GWCA members (you can join at the potluck!)
–>  There will be voting for the best:  appetizer, entree, side dish & dessert
–>  Music,  water, lemonade, paper plates & plastic tableware all provided
–>  Bring CASH (or a checkbook)
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–>  Pick up a bargain at the silent auction table (closes at 8:30 p.m.)
–>  Or buy more votes or donate to GWCA

       Questions or to help:  Call Kathleen Dudley (773) 472-1221
–> At 7 pm there will be a short GWCA Community Meeting

*  Vote for a neighbor (or yourself!) for GWCA Council
*  Approve spending for Garden Walk, GWCA fest & Halloween Party

Come enjoy an evening in the park!

Events & Announcements

1415 West Irving Park Road 7-11 Liquor License Meeting, June 11, 7 pm, Rizal Center, 1332 West Irving Park Road

A meeting has been scheduled regarding 7/11’s moratorium lift request for a liquor license at their proposed location at 1415 West Irving Park Road.  The meeting will be held at Rizal Center, 1332 West Irving Park Road on MONDAY, JUNE 11 at 7 PM.  Representatives from7-11 will be present to give the details of their request and take questions from the community.  The Alderman’s office will accept comments by phone, e-mail, or written at the meeting to get an understanding of the community feedback.  Graceland West and Southport Neighbors are welcome to give comments in writing to the Alderman’s office as an organization along with individual ones.  If you have any questions, please contact Jim Poole, Community Specialist & Legislative Liaison, 4243 N Lincoln

P 773-549-4462

F 773-549-4757
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Events & Announcements

Friends of Ravenswood School Newsletter

A Message from FORS: Friends of Ravenswood School

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A Message From FORS:
Friends of Ravenswood School

Join the Conversation:
Ravenswood School Community Retreat

Sunday, June 3, 2-5 pm, Ravenswood School Library (4th floor)

Can you feel it? The conversation has already begun.
In the school’s hallways, on the playground, during drop-off and pick-up, and in meetings, formal and informal, an important conversation is buzzing. The voices are growing, in volume, in strength, and in number. Momentum is building. And without question, the conversation could greatly benefit from the strength of your voice as well.

So what’s the conversation about?
It’s about the future. It’s about how the Ravenswood School community is planning to rise to meet the challenges facing our school–challenges both current and those yet to come. It’s about meeting those challenges with new ideas, then diligently nurturing those ideas into solutions. It’s about taking ownership. It’s about shaping a community-wide school support strategy, with a unified, comprehensive, and strategic goal: to foster a more active and engaged, better coordinated, better informed Ravenswood School community, and, as a result, a better funded, stronger, more resilient Ravenswood School.

This conversation tells us one thing, loudly and clearly: the future of Ravenswood School is in our hands, as parents, as teachers, as administrators, and as community members.

On Sunday, June 3, it is time for you to join this conversation.
From 2 pm to 5 pm in the Ravenswood School library (4th floor), anyone interested in joining the conversation, getting involved, contributing ideas, and shaping our school’s support strategy is welcome to attend. A short, updated State of the School address will be presented by Principal Heather Connolly, followed by a presentation of a draft strategy plan for the 2012-13 school year. Committee groups will then be created, tasked with devising committee-specific action plans in support of these strategic goals.

Make your voice heard. Don’t let this conversation happen without you–become a part of it.
You are welcome to take part in this event, whether you plan to arrive brimming with great ideas or if you’re simply filled with curiosity and an urge to get more involved. Broader, community-wide participation and engagement is a critical part of this strategic effort. Please make every effort to attend this retreat, to join the conversation about shaping the future of our school. There has never been a better opportunity nor a more important time for you to get involved.

Childcare for the event is available through BASA for $20 per child.
Please reserve your spot with BASA by Friday, June 1. Call the BASA office at 312.927.8147 or email

For more information, please visit or email Wendy Vasquez.

Support the Girls On The Run (GOTR) Program at Ravenswood School

For the past four years, Ravenswood School teacher Susan Conti has been the site coordinator and coach for a program called Girls on the Run (GOTR), here at Ravenswood School. This program meets twice a week after school, in both Fall and Spring, for a total of twenty-four weeks and is available for girls in third through eighth grade. The program promotes healthy minds and bodies of participants. They run one to three miles a day, learn about eating well, and how to take better care of themselves emotionally, through self-esteem building and emotional support. The goal of the GOTR program is to reduce the potential display of at-risk activities among participants. In addition to the core curriculum, each season concludes with an optional 5K run.

Now, they are also tackling the issue of bullying. All fifty-five of this season’s GOTR participants were given the opportunity to see the film, Bully (2012). After the screening, the girls were full of ideas about how they might address bullying at school or wherever they may encounter it. Here is a recent video clip the girls made, exploring the issue of bullying.

Currently, Ms. Conti is seeking financial support for the program to ensure the availability of GOTR scholarships for all participants. All current participants receive the subsidized rate of $25, as opposed to the full rate of $165. Scholarships are also available to cover the remaining $25 fee, as needed. GOTR has never declined a scholarship to any participant, but to make sure that these scholarships remain available, Ms. Conti is seeking to raise $1500 to help support the program at Ravenswood.

To learn more and to support the GOTR program at Ravenswood School, please click this link.

NEW! Ravenswood Buddy Family Program

We’re excited to introduce a new program at Ravenswood School, aimed at helping families new to our school make a smooth and confident transition to the school community at Ravenswood. It’s called the Buddy Familyprogram. The program’s goal is to pair families new to Ravenswood School with experienced families who can help answer questions, facilitate expectations, and serve as liaison to assist and support them in becoming a part of our school community.

Anyone who has experienced being part of a new school transition–and that’s almost everyone, at some point–knows how difficult it can be to find your way in a new environment, even one as warm and welcoming as Ravenswood School. Things as simple as finding the right drop-off spot on the first day, paying student fees, or learning how to buy milk or school lunch for your child can be daunting challenges, especially if you don’t know anyone who can help point you in the right direction.

If you would like to help a new family with their transition to Ravenswood School, please sign up using the form on the FORS website: Buddy Family Program.

FORS Community Outreach Initiative

We’re looking for school parents living within the Ravenswood School boundaries to join FORS with a Community Outreach initiative. Volunteers will be tasked with reaching out and engaging the local community in actively supporting Ravenswood School.

If you’re looking for a way to get involved with the school but haven’t quite found one yet, this could be the one for you. Interested volunteers should contact Natalie Waechter.

Who We Are:


Friends of Ravenswood School (FORS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization of interested parents and community members joining with school administrators, staff, and teachers to gather private, supplemental support–in the form of funding, volunteers, and various professional expertise–for the benefit of Ravenswood School, its programs, and its students. The funds we raise help the school pay for teachers, programs, technology, field trips, supplies, and other essential things that make the educational experience at Ravenswood School great!
FORS Meetings are always held on the THIRD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH, unless otherwise noted. To learn more, visit us on the web: < >. You can also request to join our FORS Google Group by sending an email to < > with “Subscribe To Google Group” in the Subject field.

Copyright © 2012 Friends of Ravenswood School (FORS), All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you chose to receive our Friends of Ravenswood School monthly newsletter.Our mailing address is:

Friends of Ravenswood School (FORS)

4332 N. Paulina St.

Chicago, IL 60613-1297

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Events & Announcements

Garage Sale (Saturday) & Potluck (Sunday)

Saturday (June 2) GARAGE SALE   9 am – 3 pm   at multiple locations

–>   Pick up a map of all the sale locations at 4217 North Greenview
–>   Support your neighbors – buy their stuff!
–>  Questions?   Call Ann Bines  (773) 525-3249

Sunday (June 3)  POTLUCK & AUCTION  6 – 9 pm   Warner Park & Gardens (1446 Warner)

–>  Bring a dish to share and a beverage of your choice (BYOB)
–>  Admission is FREE to all paid up GWCA members (you can join at the potluck!)
–>  There will be voting for the best:  appetizer, entree, side dish & dessert
–>  Music,  water, lemonade, paper plates & plastic tableware all provided
–>  Bring CASH (or a checkbook)
–>  Pick up a bargain at the silent auction table (closes at 8:30 p.m.)
–>  Or buy more votes or donate to GWCA

       Questions or to help:  Call Kathleen Dudley (773) 472-1221
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At 7 pm there will be a short GWCA Community Meeting

*  Vote for a neighbor (or yourself!) for GWCA Council
*  Approve spending for Garden Walk, GWCA fest & Halloween Party

Come enjoy an evening in the park!



Events & Announcements

Graceland Cemetery Symposium

Greetings,    Graceland Cemetery is about to be 150 years old!

Julia Bachrach, historian from the Chicago Park District, sent out this attachment about the Graceland Cemetery Symposium:  Celebrate June 15 & 16th:

Graceland Cemetery Flyer     <<<  Click here for the PDF flyer!!

For a link to the cemetery website, click here > >> History – Graceland Cemetery

Best Regards


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Events & Announcements

Please Come to the GWCA Potluck & Auction on Sunday, June 3 from 6-9 pm

at Warner Park & Gardens (1446 Warner)

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Admission is FREE to all paid-up GWCA members who bring a dish to share (appetizer, entrée, side or dessert).   Donations accepted!   B.Y.O.B.  Music, lemonade,  water, plates, plastic tableware, tablecloths & napkins will be provided. Bring your favorite beverage AND your family and friends!   There will be a contest for the best dishes — and you can purchase extra votes and “cram the ballot box” for your favorite dish (after all this is Chicago … and this IS a fund raiser for GWCA!)

Questions or to volunteer:   Kathleen Dudley at (773) 472-1221

We will hold a brief Graceland West Community Association Meeting at 7 pm  – we will be electing three new council members. We are dedicating this year’s potluck to the memory of our friend  Gil Munoz – he provided the music for many of these GWCA events in the past.   We’ll be thinking about him … he always enjoyed getting together with friends!

Events & Announcements

Volunteer and help beautify Graceland West!

Alderman Pawar’s office is promoting the Parkway Corners initiative. Many of our corners in Graceland West look great and some could use  a little refreshing.  We have three corners on Southport that need adoption:

1.  Cuyler and Southport,
2.  Belle Plaine and Southport, and
3.  Warner and Southport.

If you are willing to help plant these corners, it would be great!  I have some inkberry shrubs (similar to boxwood) that could serve as a focal point. They were donated to the 47th ward. I’m sure many of the neighbors have perennials that need to be divided and would be willing to donate to help fill up these spaces.  If you would like to volunteer for this beautification project, know of a student who needs community service hours, or are willing to divide/donate your perennials, please contact:
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Donna Forsberg (773) 348-1469 or

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