Events & Announcements

Graceland Cemetery Symposium

Greetings,    Graceland Cemetery is about to be 150 years old!

Julia Bachrach, historian from the Chicago Park District, sent out this attachment about the Graceland Cemetery Symposium:  Celebrate June 15 & 16th:

Graceland Cemetery Flyer     <<<  Click here for the PDF flyer!!

For a link to the cemetery website, click here > >> History – Graceland Cemetery

Best Regards


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Events & Announcements

Please Come to the GWCA Potluck & Auction on Sunday, June 3 from 6-9 pm

at Warner Park & Gardens (1446 Warner)

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Admission is FREE to all paid-up GWCA members who bring a dish to share (appetizer, entrée, side or dessert).   Donations accepted!   B.Y.O.B.  Music, lemonade,  water, plates, plastic tableware, tablecloths & napkins will be provided. Bring your favorite beverage AND your family and friends!   There will be a contest for the best dishes — and you can purchase extra votes and “cram the ballot box” for your favorite dish (after all this is Chicago … and this IS a fund raiser for GWCA!)

Questions or to volunteer:   Kathleen Dudley at (773) 472-1221

We will hold a brief Graceland West Community Association Meeting at 7 pm  – we will be electing three new council members. We are dedicating this year’s potluck to the memory of our friend  Gil Munoz – he provided the music for many of these GWCA events in the past.   We’ll be thinking about him … he always enjoyed getting together with friends!

Events & Announcements

Volunteer and help beautify Graceland West!

Alderman Pawar’s office is promoting the Parkway Corners initiative. Many of our corners in Graceland West look great and some could use  a little refreshing.  We have three corners on Southport that need adoption:

1.  Cuyler and Southport,
2.  Belle Plaine and Southport, and
3.  Warner and Southport.

If you are willing to help plant these corners, it would be great!  I have some inkberry shrubs (similar to boxwood) that could serve as a focal point. They were donated to the 47th ward. I’m sure many of the neighbors have perennials that need to be divided and would be willing to donate to help fill up these spaces.  If you would like to volunteer for this beautification project, know of a student who needs community service hours, or are willing to divide/donate your perennials, please contact:
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Donna Forsberg (773) 348-1469 or

Events & Announcements

MINUTES from last 47th Ward Council Meeting – April 11, 2012

NOTE:  Graceland West’s representative to this council is:  Tim McGonegle (   or   773-327-2940)

April 12, 2012 Ward Council Meeting Notes                  From:  Dara Salk in the 47th Ward Office

Hello Representatives  & Alternates,

Once again we thank you for your commitment and continued efforts on behalf of your neighbors and our neighborhood.  Here is a short summary of last night’s meeting for you to share.

1.  We heard about the $750,000 capital campaign at the Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club. They have been stalwarts in the neighborhood since the 1960’s. They continue to positively influence the lives of the thousands of kids who come attend the programming provided there. They have raised $500,000; if you are looking for a worthy organization to support – this is one

2.  Alderman Pawar described the Aldermanic Menu. Per the new menu policy of the City it must be spent down 100% every year. There has been and will continue to be a great deal of thought given to where and how this money is spent. For instance: if a street is scheduled for sewer work next year, curbs won’t be done this year. Saving money by coordinating the work being done in the ward is a priority. We welcome your input and will continue to ask for your Block Audits yearly.

3.  Jim Poole gave us more specifics on the Aldermanic Menu – all of this specific information will be on our website. CAPS Meetings are held monthly. Please see the schedule on our website and ask if one of your neighbors would like to be your representatives at CAPS meetings. Jim also recommends that you register your group with CAPS for communication, programming and resources out of the CAPS office. CAPS helps fight crime in the area, set up neighborhood watch groups and educate us on how to stay safe.

4.  Karen Kolb from our newly formed Senior Council updated us on the work that group is doing to make “aging in place” easier, healthier and more of a priority for all of us to be aware of. If there is a member of your group or perhaps your block coordinator could be aware of where the older adults are in the neighborhood and make an effort to include them in neighborhood activities and know if they would like to be on your email list or become a part of a phone tree if they aren’t on the internet.

5.  CUB – Citizen’s Utility Board – is beginning an initiative in our ward – the first ward in the city! Saving money, saving energy can be as painless as signing up online for ideas, coupons and a simple way to actually track the money you are saving. Each neighborhood group has their own spot where you can sign up


Events & Announcements

AGENDA for upcoming 47th Ward Council Meeting on Wednesday May 16

Ward Council Meeting Agenda (Sixth Meeting)

Date:  Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Time: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Location: St. Ben’s Social Hall

2219 W. Irving Park (last church door on Irving Park at Bell – Lower Level)

1.      Introductions:

  • What group do you represent?
  • What are your boundaries?
  • Were you able to get a start with your older adult neighbors? How?
  • What would you like to share about your group?

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2.      State of Ward by Alderman Ameya Pawar

3.      Small Group: Ward Council Assessment

  • What are the most useful/best elements of the Ward Council meetings?
  • What are the least useful elements of the Ward Council meetings?
  • How would you like to see the Ward Council meetings develop from here?
  • Are there any issues that you would like to see included on the Ward Council agenda?
  • What role should delegates/alternates have in the Ward Council?
  • What other organizations would you like to have present to the Ward Council?

4.      Large Group:

  • Discuss small group conversations.

5.      Plant Exchange:  Saturday, May 12th 10am – 2pm

  • Courtenay School – Berteau and Hermitage School Yard
  • C3 displays: rain barrels, composting including rebates for these, native plants and trees
  • Bring a plant/take a plant. Pot your plant, label with preferred conditions and name

6.      Senior Lunch at Maifest: Friday, June 1st 11am – 2pm



Events & Announcements

Hurry! May 15 is deadline for registering for our June 2 Garage Sale

Save the date:   Saturday June 2nd is the annual GWCA multi-family garage sale.

For a mere $5 for members ($10 for non members) you get the permit, advertising, signs and maps for our multi-family garage sale.  Sign up now by sending your:

*  Name,
*  Address,
*  Phone number and
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*  Location of your sale(back yard, garage, front yard)

to Ann Bines by May 15th to get “on the map”.  Drop off the info and registration fee to Ann at 4217 N. Greenview. Fee is $5.00 for GWCA members and $10.00 for non members.

Call Ann at 773-525-3249 with any questions

Events & Announcements

Open House: Thursday, 7 pm, Andies Restaurant (SE corner of Greenview & Montrose)

Come out and see the newest products Amway has introduced:

*   Artistry (cosmetics)
*   Legacy of clean (cleaning products)
*   Nutralite (health & wellness products)
*   Home care e.g. detergent, soap, shampoos, bathroom & kitchen supplies
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*   Personal Accents (Jewelry, perfumes, accessories)

Did you know Amway has been selling environmentally friendly products for more than fifty years?  Come to the kick off meeting, refreshments provided at Andies Restaurant, 1467 West Montrose (at Greenview).  Thursday, May 3 at 7 pm.  or contact your local rep:  Chris Hodges (773) 885-7579

Go online and see (& order) for yourself:

Events & Announcements

Graceland West needs YOU to volunteer as a council member!

If you are interested in joining the council, fill out an application (found at under “About GWCA”  “forms”)  or call Tim McGonegle at (773) 327-2940.

Graceland West Community Association supports an area comprised of more than a thousand households & businesses.  It is bounded by Irving Park Road, Ashland Avenue, Montrose Avenue and Clark Street.  The Association is often referred to by it’s initials:  GWCA.  The stated purposes of our organization are:

1.  encourage a sense of community and develop a neighborhood spirit.
2.  provide an open forum to discuss community matters and their resolution.
3.  provide a united effort in the securing of city and neighborhood services.
4.  develop and preserve an appreciation for the historical significance of the area.
5.  encourage preservation, restoration, and beautification of the neighborhood.
6.  promote an appreciation of the cultural diversity of the neighborhood.
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7.  establish a means to provide for the welfare of the community.

GWCA is overseen by a 9-member Council.  Every six months we hold an election at a community meeting and replace 1/3 of the Council (3 council members).  The term of each member is eighteen months.  We are looking for:  1) a representative from a business in Graceland West; 2) a representative from a condo or apartment complex in Graceland West;    3)  someone who is passionate about a particular area of interest s/he would like to share with Graceland West neighbors and/or 4) someone who is willing to spend twenty hours a year helping the community.

Following are some areas that are/could be “owned” “chaired” “driven” by a council member:

Lake View High School Liaison, Spring Fundraiser,Blaine/Ravenswood Elementary Schools Liaison, Garage Sale,Warner Park & Gardens Liaison, Garden Walk, Alderman Liaison, Summer Potluck/Auction, Zoning Issues & Set Backs, GWCA fest, CAPS (Police liaison) / Beat Reps, Graceland Cemetery Tour, Neighboring Community Organization Liaison, Children’s Halloween Party, Recycling, Holiday Cookie Exchange or Caroling Party, Newsletter Writing/Editing/Layout,  Organization Historical Records/Membership, Newsletter Printing/Distribution, Financial Records, Website Layout/Design, Publish Telephone/Resource Directory, Website Content Update, Fund Raising, Family/Children Networking, Plan meetings/speakers ….. or anything else you are interested in or would like to begin in our community.

Events & Announcements

Open House: 7 p.m. Thursday, May 3 — at Andie’s Restaurant (SE corner of Greenview & Montrose)

Come out and see the newest products Amway has introduced:

 *  Artistry (cosmetics)
*  Legacy of clean (cleaning products)
*  Nutralite (health & wellness products)
*  Home care e.g. detergent, soap, shampoos, bathroom & kitchen supplies
*  Personal Accents (Jewelry, perfumes, accessories)

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Your local rep:  Chris Hodges (773) 885-7579

Go online and see (& order) for yourself:     


Events & Announcements

Recycle electronics on Saturday morning – April 21

E-Waste Flyer  (click here to view/print flyer)

47th Ward E-Waste Recycling Event
Saturday, April 21, 2012     9am to 1 pm
47th Ward Streets and Sanitation Yard – 5333 N. Western Ave.

Please bring any of the acceptable electronics listed in the attached flyer (click on it above).

If you have any questions, please contact Dara in the 47th Ward Office at 773-868-4747 or

Brought to you by:

  • 47th Ward Alderman, Ameya Pawar

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