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Be Wary!

From: Cindy O’Donnell
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 1:47 PM
Subject: Be Wary

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Not to alarm anyone, but I just had a burly, 50ish man with reddish facial hair at my door claiming to be there to fix my gas leak. As I didn’t know I had one, I said let me check with my husband. He said, Oh, maybe it’s the house next door. He scurried down the stairs, then walked up and down the block with a clipboard, trying to look official, but he was not dressed the part, had no insignia on his khaki work clothes. He also wore a hat with a fur-lined forehead and ear flaps and carried a white paint bucket filled with dirty rags.
What alarmed me was I never heard the doorbell. I just happened to be walking downstairs from the second floor and saw him standing on my porch, facing sideways with his hand on the knob of my storm door. He had a foot in my front door when I mentioned Tim, which is when he backed off. The only footprints on my steps were his, so I’m guessing he was planning to break in. When he momentarily disappeared, I walked outside to see where he went. He then jumped into a dark blue van and drove away. I could not see the license plate, I’m sorry to say.
Feel free to pass this on to your neighbors. I’m going to post this on Everyblock.
Take care.

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