Graceland West is pleased to announce the annual GWCAFest Block Party and Fundraiser. Saturday, September 8, from 12 to 5. Event will be held on Warner Avenue, within and in front of Warner Park and Gardens, 1446 W. Warner Avenue.
This will be the thirty-third GWCAFest. With all the activities planned this year’s GWCAFest should be enjoyable for the whole family. But the best thing about the fest is meeting your neighbors and being part of the Graceland West community. Everyone is welcome! We’ll see you there.
The Featured events and times are…
Fun for the kids
Sarah’s Pony Rides supply the ponies and petting zoo, the children will be ecstatic to experience a little bit of country in the city.
Plus all the great games, prizes and silly string challenge every ½ hour. Oh and the spin art and balloon sculpture and much more!
It’s Magic
Randy Bernstein of the famed “Magic by Randy,” a perennial favorite of the GWCAFest, will perform about 3:30. Don’t miss it!
Lisa B. another GWCAFest fave will delight us with her dulcet tunes for the entire afternoon.
Food and Drink
Enjoy a hot dog or a sausage, some mac and cheese and of course the most delicious corn on the cob ala Mark.
The bake table is unmatched for we are supplied by the finest bakers on earth. So bring your baked goods and try your neighbors it is great fun and oh so yummy.
Silent Auction
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Check it out, lots of interesting things. If you have something to offer for the auction please contact: Ann Maxwell at 773-425-5319 or Terry Baublis at 773-281-2958.
Adults Only Beverages!
For the adults our wine tent feature’s a wide and varied sampling assortment sponsored by Que Syrah.
For the adults a keg of beer should help you to get to know your neighbors, so come and enjoy.
Assembles at Cullom and Greenview and kicks off at 11:45. Dress your pets in their finest costume and win a valuable prize.
Community Meeting
A community meeting will immediately follow the magic act. Stick around to hear about items of interest to the community!
We could use your help, contact:
For questions, comments and to volunteer to help (we need new ideas for activities and people to help during the event!):
Please call Terry Baublis, 773-281-2958 or Barbara Sullivan, 773-327-2940.
Chicago block party permit # 257996173