Events & Announcements

You’re invited: Sunday December 15,, 5:30 pm at Rizal

GWCA Annual Holiday Pot Luck and Update: Sunday, December 15, 5:30 pm at Rizal. Free Parking
As a neighborhood resident, you are invited to our GWCA holiday pot luck. Just bring a dish to share and join us for an old fashioned neighborhood get together with food, desserts, drinks and BYOB. LVHS Principal Karafiol will provide a brief update of the school and council member Jeff Fleshman will show us how to improve our sidewalks, roads, trees, and more by just having our phone at the ready. When? Where? Sunday, December 15, 5:30 pm at Rizal, 1332 West Irving Park. Free Parking. We’ve reserved space to continue socializing afterwards at the new Port & Park. They have hard or soft cider, Irish coffee and a full menu and are offering you a GWCA Discount for whatever you order.

This time of this event is designed so families can attend with children as young as infants. Based on multiple neighborhood surveys, families with children or all ages and business travelers who often leave early on Monday or workers who frequently have long hours chose Sunday, late afternoon or early evening as a preferred GWCA time. So we encourage you to attend.

GWCA ECO / Green Committee:
GWCA is applying for a TreePlanters grant from Openlands, a local environmental nonprofit. The grant will allow GWCA to work with professional arborists to replace 10-30 street trees in our neighborhood. If you have an open spot along the parkway between your sidewalk and the street, please contact GWCA ECO / Green Committee Member, Joel McFarland or contact so that you can be included in our grant application.

What will happen when I request a tree through the TreePlanters grant? GWCA will include your parkway spot on the list of potential planting sites that we submit to Openlands. If we receive the grant, an arborist will visit the site and determine whether a tree can be planted and what species would be appropriate. We will work with Openlands to schedule a planting date in the spring. We ask that you join us for the planting and commit to watering and caring for the tree after it is planted.

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Why should I care about street trees? Street trees absorb water and help mitigate neighborhood flooding. They also help to cool our neighborhood, improve air quality, and increase property values

I submitted a 311 request for a new street tree. Why hasn’t the city responded? The city has a backlog of tree requests and often takes over a year to respond. Openlands coordinates their work with the city and has permission to plant trees in parkways. The Openlands TreePlanters grants help neighborhoods to replant their street trees more quickly.

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