As a neighborhood resident, you are invited to our GWCA holiday pot luck. Bring a dish to share and we’ll have an old fashioned neighborhood get together with food, desserts, drinks (BYOB). LVHS Principal Karafiol will provide a brief update of the school and council member Jeff Fleshman will show us how to improve our sidewalks, roads, trees, and more by just having our phone at the ready. When? Where? Sunday, December 15, 5:30 pm at Rizal, 1332 West Irving Park. Doors open at 5:15. Free Parking. Continue socializing afterwards at the new Port & ParkMen who are chain smokers or intake alcohol in excess should learn that cialis on line does not show its miraculous results in case of no stimulation yet you would not have any side-effect. But knowing order generic levitra necessary pros and cons is required before jumping into buying a product for penis enlargement or erectile dysfunction, isn’t it supposed to work. Certain issues like Erectile Dysfunction, flaccid erection and potential impotence are certain types of threats which can affect men’s libido and for all such disorders, one should take assistance of medical treatments. levitra on line is one of the best anti-ED solutions. Tweaking your lifestyle a bit can assist as well. viagra store . They have hard or soft cider, Irish coffee and whatever else you want (GWCA Discount for whatever you order).
Based on multiple GWCA surveys, 5:30 pm on Sunday was selected by GWCA members and Graceland West neighbors as a their first choice day and time for GWCA meeting and get-togethers’ as families with children could bring infants and children of all ages and attend as a family, road warriors could attend and still make a 6 am Monday flight and employees who often didn’t get home on weekdays until 7:30 could attend. Monday at 7 pm was your second choice.