To participate, please email Participation is free to GWCA members and $10.00 to non-members. The Yard Sale fee can be applied to GWCA membership.
GWCA Calendar: GWCA is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year!
June 1, GWCA Annual Yard Sale
June 26, GWCA very quick meeting & election of 3 Council Members. Presentation: Botanist Kelsay Shaw will discuss native shrubs for Chicago and planting for pollinators and the environment. 6:45 pm at Rizal, 1332 West Irving. Parking Available
August 4, GWCA 37th Annual Garden Walk. 1-5 pm.
September, GWCAFest TBD
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October, GWCA Community Meeting TBD
October, GWCA Children’s Halloween Party TBD
November, GWCA Community Street Leaf Cleanup (for safe walking and flood reduction), TBD
December, GWCA Holiday Pot Luck and election of 3 Council Members, TBD