Hi neighbors, please help clean street, intersection, cross walks and sewer grate leaves on Saturday. You can leave bagged leaves on the closest parkway. The city is doing a special pick-up for us. Please don’t overfill leaf bags as if they are too heavy, they break when city workers try to pick them up.
Please bring your family and a neighbor and clean the Greenview intersection closest to your house first. Then, if you live on Greenview, please help clean Greenview next. If you live on an east / west street, please clean that next. We need all street leaves up from Montrose to Irving and Clark to Ashland. Our final city street sweeping was October 3-4, before any leaves fell, so we encourage all to help. Your work will reduce street, basement and vehicle flooding and help prevent slick and frozen leaves from causing falls. Getting these leaves up before they form a 4″ frozen mat makes it easier to shovel parking spaces too.
We need you to help if you are a tenant, condo or home-owner, landlord or business owner. Whether you park on the street or have visitors who park on the street, this is a volunteer effort all of us need to do. Please support your GWCA current and former Council Members and Block Reps who are leading this neighborhood safety and flood prevention effort. You’ll need to bring 10 garbage or leaf bags, and a rake, shovel or dust pan. Shovels and dust pans work well to scoop leaves. If you can’t help on Saturday, you can also leave bagged leaves on the parkways through Sunday.
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Thanks everyone for living here and loving and supporting this neighborhood. Our annual pot luck is on November 26th, 6:45 pm at Rizal.