Events & Announcements

Meeting Tonight, Featuring Jensen Allen from Graceland Cemetery and 46th Alderwoman Clay

Join Us TONIGHT, March 13th for the GWCA Quarterly Meeting

We’re excited to invite all Graceland West neighbors to our GWCA Quarterly Meeting. Below is the full agenda for the evening:

Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025 Time: 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM Location: Quantum LEEP Academy, 1447 W Montrose Ave


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Neighborhood Updates and review of full GWCA 2025 calendar
  3. GWCA Budget Review and Council Election
  4. Virtual Guest: 46th Ward Alderwoman Angela Clay
  5. Guest: Seth Boustead, Executive Director of Access Contemporary Music
  6. Guest Speaker: Jensen Allen from Graceland Cemetery
  7. Open Forum and Other Community Announcements

We encourage all residents, whether in the 46th or 47th Ward, to attend this meeting. Your participation is vital in shaping the future of Graceland West. Come, engage, and be a part of the conversation that makes our community thrive.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Graceland Cemetery, Chicago, IL – Daniel Burnham’s Grave. Photo credit: Linda Oyama Bryan
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