Events & Announcements

Covid-19 and use of the LVHS Campus, Play Lot, Track, Field & Benches

All playgrounds in Chicago are closed.  This includes the Children’s Play Lot on the Lake View High School Campus.

The LVHS track, field and benches are open for neighbors to use as long as they practice social distancing of 6′ and don’t gather in groups.

Dogs have not been permitted inside the campus fence at any time since 1995.

This message is brought to you by Alderman Matt Martin, Lake View High School and the Graceland West Community Association




Both GWCA and LVHS will put out reminders that people can walk on the track, sit on the benches and play on the field while not gathering in large groups and while practicing 6′ social distancing. We’ll also communicate that all Chicago playgrounds are closed, which includes the Play Lot at LVHS.


Dogs have not been permitted inside the LVHS campus fence since 1995. There is current signage prohibiting dogs, we have posted about this frequently and LVHS is adding even more signage on Friday but we are even encountering people from west of Ashland and South of Irving Park crossing those busy streets to bring their dogs to the campus. Nothing has worked, including talking to dog owners and reminding them that dogs are not permitted. Is it possible for you to work with 19th District Police to have dog owners ticketed?


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