Events & Announcements

the Graceland West Community Association (GWCA) begins 41st year

January 26, 2020 1st Quarter Meeting minutes.
Council Member, Bruce Braun, chaired the meeting
Barbara Sullivan, GWCA Treasurer, presented the 2020 GWCA Budget, which was approved
GWCA Members Jason Ruprecht and Colin McCleod, who both worked on the August 2019 Neighborhood Infrastructure Survey, were elected to the two open GWCA Council seats.
A $1,000 GWCA Scholarship check was presented to Lake View High School and accepted on behalf of LVHS by LVHS faculty member and GWCA Council Member, Joanne Yonan.
711, 1415 West Irving, has been one of a number of businesses requesting package liquor licenses on Irving Park. They made a presentation requesting a package liquor license and attending GWCA members voted 62% in favor and 38% opposed. The vote includes lifting the 1995 Package Liquor License Moratorium, which is on both sides of Irving Park from Ashland to Clark, for a minimum of 12 months so 711 can apply for the license.
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GWCA live-streamed some of the meeting. We’ll try for better sound quality next time.
Thank you to all who took the time to participate in this Community Meeting.

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