Events & Announcements

GWCA Oct, Nov, Dec 2019 Calendar

Hi GWCA members and neighbors, please save these dates.
^ Monday, October 21, 7-8 pm, Mercury Theater, GWCA & SNA (Southport Neighbors), combined meeting. GWCA & SNA Members can vote.
^ Saturday, October 26, 2-5 pm, Warner Park, GWCA Halloween Party, pumpkin painting, balloon art, face painting, spooky gazebo and more.
^ Saturday, November 16, 9-11 am, Meet at the Greenview corner closest to your house to help clean up street leaves that fall after the last annual city street cleaning. Please bring your family, some neighbors a rake or dust pan (to scoop leaves) for each volunteer and 10 leaf bags. This effort helps reduce stormwater and snowmelt
^ December, date, time and place TBD. GWCA annual Holiday Pot Luck, election for 3 Council Member seats and a brief neighborhood update. GWCA Members can vote on whatever comes up for vote and for new Council Members.
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We hope you’ll join and support GWCA if you’re not yet a member. GWCA is YOUR Community organization and all leaders and committee members are volunteers. Leaders work with the city, alderman’s office and police regarding a multitude of neighborhood needs and issues, have active committees on climate change, stormwater flooding, neighborhood safety (from air quality to crime prevention) and events, work on community building, neighborhood infrastructure and neighborhood identity. Nominal Membership dues provide for our website, newsletters, news kiosks, some event costs and an annual donation to Warner Park and Gardens – some of you might remember or helped to found the GWCA park, which is now the east 25′ of Warner Park and Gardens. We have also been able to fund a scholarship to Lake View High School for four of the past five years. GWCA Members are able to vote on issues and for leaders after 30 days as long as they are also current members on the day of the vote.

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