There has not been a single coyote bite or attack in Northeastern Illinois.
Caution: If you see a neighborhood coyote, please stay safe and keep the coyote safe. Do rattle something or make noise. Don’t approach closer or haze them. Respect the coyote’s space and give them additional space. Don’t run from them. Never feed a coyote or leave ANY food outside. Keep pets on leashes. Don’t leave small children alone outdoors.
Coyotes are both predators and scavengers, eating small and medium size rodents, Canadian geese, rabbits, deer, fruits and more. They are especially helpful regarding needed neighborhood rat abatement and we have rats that exceed 10 lbs.
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Since 2000, most Chicago coyotes have received tracking devises or microchips from the Urban Coyote Research Project: Here’s a news 2017 report from WTTW:
Last, remember “Lights On, Dusk to Dawn”. Always maintain a bright front porch light and a rear entry light. Winter Solstice is Friday (the shortest daylight of the year).