Our final 2018 neighborhood street cleaning was October 3rd and 4th, before leaves fell. Please bring a rake, shovel or dustpan and 10 leaf bags and help get street leaves up. Meet at Greenview and Belle Plaine or the Greenview intersection closest to your house.
If you can’t make it, can you please cleanup the leaves in front of your house, apartment, condo, business and under garbage cans and dumpsters and clean crosswalks before Saturday? As you do this, please look for rat holes especially near air conditioners, near sidewalks, in your parkway and in trees.
As leaves will continue to fall after this cleanup, can you please continue to keep sidewalks, parkways, streets and sewer grates clear of leaves and debris? These are the leaves that most blow into the street and migrate downhill to block sewers. Your efforts now to help reduce neighborhood flooding, also make it less slick to walk and reduce rat habitat. That said, leaving some yard leaves can help provide pollinator habitat.
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Neighbors and GWCA Council Members and Block Reps, thanks in advance for everything you do. Everyone, can you please bring your family and a neighbor to help?