Events & Announcements

Clean & Green! Alley, Parkway, Yard cleanup asked before August 5th Garden Walk

Hi Graceland West neighbors, our 36th Annual Garden Walk is Sunday, August 5th from 1-5.  Maps will be at 4334 Greenview (plus “Ask a Master Gardener”) and 1460 Belle Plaine.  Please tour the gardens and enjoy this special neighborhood day.  You’re invited to our Garden Walk Pot Luck at Warner Park at 5:30.  Just bring a dish to share.

We encourage all to clean alleys, parkways, sewer grates and yards prior to August 5th when we’ll have lots of neighbors visiting gardens.  This year, GWCA Leaders are pushing a Rat Elimination effort too.  As you help with this clean-up, can you report any issues to Danny at the 47th Ward,, and copy 311?  Rats are diggers and holes are typically nickel, quarter, half or silver dollar size and may be close to air conditioners, under decks, under porches, near sewers, in yards and parkways, at a sidewalk edge or in the alley or near a tree root.  Dog poo is a complete food source, so don’t let it remain in your yard.  Please also report standing water that has been present more than 10 hours as rats need water, the standing water indicates something is amiss and mosquitos breed at 50 degrees. Please also report pot holes and streets and alleys in bad repair. Please make sure your dumpsters and garbage carts have no trash underneath, are never overflowing and close completely. Please also prevent leaves and grass clippings from winding up in the street or blocking sewers.

This is also a good time to clean your garbage cans inside and out annually with soapy water.  Check for holes, lids not closing or broken hinges and report to or 311.

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It’s not too late to let Donna know you’ll like to show your front yard, back yard, apartment, condo or home patio, koi pond, green roof, planter garden, deck, vegetable garden, sculpture garden, etc.  Just email


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