On June 11th, GWCA held a short Quarterly meeting and elections. Then Mike Selleck, with LiveRoof, gave a presentation and demonstration on Green Roofs. Why Green Roofs? Because GWCA is encouraging all to 1) capture stormwater where it falls to help prevent neighborhood street, basement and vehicle flooding. 2) to reduce urban heat island effect. 3) to replace lost bird, pollinator and beneficial insect habitat including habitat for our neighborhood and Northern Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan rusty patched bumblebee, now endangered.
Rizal is proceeding with a Green Roof and installed the first panel on June 12th. See photos soon on our Face book page. Bees almost immediately headed for this single Green Roof panel. Rizal will also soon be adding planters in front overflowing with native plants.
GWCA’s 36th Annual Garden Walk is Sunday, August 5th from 1-5. Please email Donna if you’d like to show your garden; donnaforsberg@sbcglobal.net.
Minutes: Council Members Janice Horwich, Chennin Kienzler and Joanne Yonan were thanked for their most recent service of 18-mo terms. Janice and Joanne ran for and were elected for new terms beginning July 1st. One 18-month Council Seat is open. Please write to GWCA at info@gracelandwest.org if you are interested in serving on the GWCA Council or as a Block Rep. Rizal provided a survey to determine if neighbors were interested in having a farmers market.
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We met neighbors and socialized over pizza and desserts including Filipino suman, a sweet rice in banana leaf, served with roasted coconut and mango slices, and a variety of cookies, including blue fortune cookies. GWCA, Rizal and LiveRoof, thanks for the refreshments.