GWCA Year-end Report, December 2017
GWCA Council Members, Block Reps, Committee Chairs and Community, Thanks for a terrific 2017!
March: Alderman Pawar & Tunney invited Neighborhood Stakeholders to their presentation for $20M in interior and exterior improvements at LVHS and a complete campus re-do. There are outstanding questions / concerns about some of the campus plan. A follow-up presentation is Tuesday, January 9, 6 pm at LVHS. Enter via Ashland door #6 (ring the bell).
May: GWCA Council Members held Annual Planning
May: GWCA Annual 2017 Yard / Garage Sale. 2018 will be Free to GWCA Members or anyone who joins to participate. And the Rizal Community Center will provide space if you want to participate, but don’t have yard or garage space.
June: GWCA Meeting and Pollinator Party. Peter Leki and Lisa Hish were our Pollinator Panel and discussed how important native plants are for reducing neighborhood stormwater flooding and maintaining neighborhood pollinators (butterflies and bees). Please trade grass for more native plants. Each attendee received a small pot and native plant seeds. We had elections and our Summer Solstice Pot Luck
July: GWCA Council Members and Block Reps held their 3rd Annual Leadership BBQ and Meeting.
August: GWCA’s 35th Garden Walk and Gardeners Pot Luck. Gardeners participated from Pensacola to Cuyler. GWCA showed its ECO/Green Committee Native Plant Demonstration Corner at Belle Plaine and Greenview, which absorbs about 2,000 gallons of stormwater annually to help reduce Greenview stormwater flooding. GWCA and other neighborhoods are working together to provide Pollinator Pathways from the Chicago River to Lake Michigan.
August: GWCAFest 2017, magic, music, and meeting at Warner Park
October: GWCA Children’s Halloween Party at Warner Park
October: GWCA Meeting at LVHS. Principal Karafiol was our Speaker and reviewed the $20M LVHS Improvement Plan and campus re-do.
November: Council Members and Block Reps led neighbors on their blocks for the Annual Street Leaf Cleanup. 22 LVHS students and two Council Members led this effort on that weather wicked day. Because of cold rain, many waited a few days to clean street leaves. No matter where you live, please clean up all street leaves to prevent neighborhood flooding at intersections downhill from you.
December: GWCA Meeting at Rizal where we had elections, a mixer, brainstormed and enjoyed our Annual Holiday Pot Luck
GWCA membership grew
Council Members, Block Reps and neighbors worked and played together and kept the Graceland West neighborhood one of the Greenest, Safest and Best in Chicago
We introduced Blue and White Parkway Signs to help notice GWCA meetings and events. More neighbors visited our website, checked out our calendar;, contacted us at, and used our website Face book link to see neighborhood photos.
GWCA continued to work on increasing Green Space. All neighborhood residents, property owners, businesses and schools are encouraged to add 100 sq. ft. of absorptive hardscape or absorptive native plant landscape for every 3,000 sq. ft. of lot you have, add green roofs to flat roofs and reduce non-absorptive surfaces, including grass.
Thank you GWCA Members! Your Membership dues supported…
- A $1,000 GWCA Scholarship for a graduating LVHS senior
- A $1,000 donation to Warner Park and Gardens
- Quarterly hand delivered fliers, parkway signs, our GWCA website, meeting and venue space, filing fees and some event costs.
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