Events & Announcements

GWCA Fall Leaf Clean-up

Come out and meet your neighbors

We will be meeting at the corner of Greenview and Belle Plaine on November 22 at 12:00PM. Bring your rakes, brooms and shovels, work gloves and 10 – 15 trash / leaf bags. If you have extras, please bring them to share. You can also help by getting a group of your neighbors together and work on your block. If you know of a trouble spot where water accumulates after a storm, let me know so that those spots are addressed first. If you plan on helping or have any questions please Email Larry Witry at

Prior to the 22nd, could you please also cleanup any remaining street leaves not cleared by city street sweeping in front of your house so they don’t migrate to the intersections, clog the sewers and contribute to street, vehicle and basement flooding?
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