Hello All,
Today, I met with the event planner of the Green Metropolis Fair and Assistant Principal Varney at Lake View to discuss the proposal of bringing an autumn event of this type to our neighborhood. Over the past 5 yrs. Mary Beth Rebedeau has developed this spring event into a successful, educational and resource-filled day for the entire family. The proposal is to create the first ever Autumn Fair in the same spirit. Here is the link from their spring event, so you can see the gist of what this will look like: http://greenmetropolisfair.com/ Their date is already set for the 2015 Spring Fair!
We are pleased that, Lake View High School will host this event on Sunday, September 14th. Please mark your calendar, tell your friends and family! This is will be a fun-filled day that folks of all ages will enjoy and learn something from.
Although the programming for the event is pretty much set, we would love to have your participation. As with all large events, volunteers will be needed; perhaps you would also like a table to introduce GWCA to the attendees. We are thinking that a table for all of the neighborhood groups might be a good out-reach tool.
Looking forward to working with you!
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Dära Salk
Community Outreach Director
Alderman Ameya Pawar – Ward 47
4243 N Lincoln Ave.
Chicago, IL 60618
Phone: 773-868-4747
Fax: 773-549-4757
E-mail: dara@chicago47.org
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