Events & Announcements

GWCA General Meeting Saturday, September 7

During GWCAFest this Saturday, GWCA will have one of its regular meetings to transact business.  Included is approval of a Maintenance Agreement with the Chicago Department of Transportation covering the traffic circle at Greenview and Berteau and the Bioswale/Infiltration Planters at Berteau and Ashland and Berteau and Clark Street, all as part of the Berteau Avenue Neighborhood Greenway under construction.  Complete descriptions of the improvements including CDOT design drawings for the entire route, are available on the Alderman’s website at under “Neighborhood Greenways.”  The website contains the complete history of the improvements, a time line, and the presentation materials from the various public meetings held over the past year.  Please review the material in advance of the meeting.  All paid members of Graceland West Community Association may vote at the meeting on the Maintenance Agreement.  We have asked CDOT to have the large charts of the improvements available at the meeting, but if they are not available, only small handouts will be present.  Please join us on Saturday.  The meeting will occur later in the afternoon, probably after Randy the Magician makes his annual appearance for the kids.

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