Mark your calendar for Sunday December 16, at Tim McGonegle and Barbara Sullivan’s, located at 4117 North Greenview Avenue.
First, beginning at 2:00 p.m., GWCA continues a new tradition of its annual holiday cookies exchange. Bring your own batches of holiday cookies and goodies and exchange them for an equal number of your neighbors. Please label what you bring, and possibly include a receipe for those who will want to try making them on their own.
Next, at 3:00 p.m., GWCA will hold its regular meeting. Invited Guests include Rob Geltner of Energy Impact Illinois who will discuss energy rebates and incentives available for energy-saving home improvements.
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Also, GWCA is considering new by-laws, a copy of which are included on the website and will be e-mailed separately to all paid members who have an e-mail address on file. A vote will be taken on the new by-laws during the meeting.
Finally, GWCA will consider the new year and schedule of events for 2013. It is a perfect time to join your neighbors for some holiday goodies, cheer, and socializing in the spirit of the season. Come join us.