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Chicago bike route system Greenway Project Update

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Berteau Avenue between Clark and Lincoln is scheduled to become part of the Chicago bike route system, it will also be known as a Greenway. To follow is a recap of the March 6 meeting.
We were told that the plans for the proposed Greenway are not finalized. Bill Higgins, Program Analyst and Coordinator for Alderman Pawar, will be meeting with CDOT (Chicago Department of Transportation) this week for an update on the project and express neighbor’s concern. Alderman Pawar spoke about what mitigated this greenway/bike path stating that many neighbors complained about speeding traffic on Berteau and the danger it poses. Again emphasizing that final plans were not complete and that additional neighborhood meetings would be held before designs are finalized. To follow is a timeline for this project.
March 2012: Public input from neighborhood organizations and transportation committee
Late March 2012: Input analysis and redesign
April 2012: Public Meeting
April 2012 to May 2012: Additional Input analysis and design
Late May Early June 2012: Final Engineering
Late June to July 2012: Construction
We are coordinating a meeting for Graceland West and Alderman Pawar’s office to address GWCA concerns. We hope to announce a date and location soon. Stay tuned for more.

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