Events & Announcements

Hurry! May 15 is deadline for registering for our June 2 Garage Sale

Save the date:   Saturday June 2nd is the annual GWCA multi-family garage sale.

For a mere $5 for members ($10 for non members) you get the permit, advertising, signs and maps for our multi-family garage sale.  Sign up now by sending your:

*  Name,
*  Address,
*  Phone number and
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*  Location of your sale(back yard, garage, front yard)

to Ann Bines by May 15th to get “on the map”.  Drop off the info and registration fee to Ann at 4217 N. Greenview. Fee is $5.00 for GWCA members and $10.00 for non members.

Call Ann at 773-525-3249 with any questions

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