Events & Announcements

New Community Garden at Montrose Green

Dear Neighbors:


I am very excited to let you know that we have a new community garden coming to our neighborhood.

Please see the attached press release for details and be sure to sign up at beginning April 2 to reserve your plot.


Harrington Brown, LLC is the owner of Montrose Green at 1819 W. Montrose Avenue where we plan to develop a mixed use commercial and residential property in the near future.

However, until construction is ready to commence we have agreed to work with Northcenter Neighborhood Association and the Peterson Garden Project to create, on a temporary basis, the first organic community garden in our neighborhood. They are planning to install 125 raised bed garden plots and encourage individuals, families, organizations and local restaurants to participate by renting a plot.

Some of the produce grown at this garden will be served at your favorite neighborhood restaurants and much will be donated to the Common Pantry to help our neighbors struggling with food insecurity.


Thanks to Julie Hobert, Lisa Hish, Elizabeth Wenscott and Lamanda Joy for their vision and energy to make this happen.


I look forward to seeing you out there planting, growing and harvesting this year.


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David R. Brown
Harrington Brown, LLC
Ravenswood Center
4256 N. Ravenswood Ave., #109
Chicago, IL 60613

Phone: 773-525-8222
Cell: 312-543-6782
Fax: 773-525-8382


CommunityGardenPressRelease  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CLICK HERE!



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